Bizarre Laws In The United States
Alabama: Cannot have a fake mustache in church
Alaska: It is illegal to push a moose out of a moving airplane
Arizona: You cannot feed a pig garbage without a permit
Arkansas: You cannot honk your horn at a sandwich shop after 9 p.m.
California: In Fresno you cannot disturb lizards at city parks
Colorado: You cannot vandalize a or break a rock
Connecticut: In some cities it is illegal to walk backwards after sunset
Delaware: If you have to change clothes at the beach you cannot do so in your car
District Of Columbia: You will get a ticket if your car is not fully parked in your driveway
Florida: Unmarried women cannot parachute on Sundays
Georgia: Eating fried chicken in Gainesville with a fork is illegal
Hawaii: You cannot have more than fifteen cats and dogs
Idaho: You cannot buy or sell a chicken after sundown
Illinois: In Galesburg there is a one thousand dollar fine for beating rats with a baseball bat
Indiana: On the roads you cannot pass a horse
Iowa: One armed piano players must perform for free
Kansas: It is outlawed to sound a gong in public
Kentucky: You cannot marry the same person more than three times
Louisiana: You cannot tie an alligator to a fire hydrant
Maine: You cannot spit on the sidewalk
Maryland: You cannot eat while in the ocean
Massachusetts: It is highly illegal to have a gorilla in your car
Michigan: You can not paint birds and sell them as parakeets
Minnesota: All men must wear shirts while riding on a motorcycle
Mississippi: It is illegal to sell cat meat
Missouri: You need a license to shave while driving
Montana: It is illegal to spray runners with sprinklers
Nebraska: Whale fishing is illegal (Even though there is nowhere to whale fish in Nebraska)
New Hampshire: You cannot sell the clothes you are wearing to pay off gambling dept.
New Jersey: It’s illegal to slurp your soup
New Mexico: A name in a newspaper must be spelled correctly or you will get a fine
New York: On Long Island it is illegal to ride a mechanical bull
North Carolina: Elephants cannot be used to plow cotton fields
North Dakota: It is illegal to keep an elk in a sandbox
Ohio: You cannot throw a snake at someone
Oklahoma: It is illegal to have tissues in the back of your car for a certain amount of time
Oregon: It is illegal to use canned corn as fishing bait
Pennsylvania: It is illegal to fish with dynamite
Rhode Island: It’s illegal for a store to sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on Sunday
South Carolina: You cannot change clothes in a gas station without permission from the station
South Dakota: It's illegal for casinos to have signs that say casinos
Tennessee: It is a misdemeanor for a child to have a tattoo
Texas: You cannot eat your neighbor's garbage without their permission
Utah: It is illegal to fish off a horse
Vermont: A woman cannot get false teeth without permission from her husband
Vermont: A woman cannot get false teeth without permission from her husband
Virginia: It is illegal to flip a coin in a restaurant to see who pays for a coffee
Washington: You cannot harass Big Foot without receiving a ticket
West Virginia: You may be fined for wearing a hat in a movie theater
Wisconsin: You must yield for pigs
Wyoming: You cannot drink martinis on a sawmill without going to prison for a year
Wyoming: You cannot drink martinis on a sawmill without going to prison for a year
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