
Showing posts from July, 2020

My Top 10 Favorite Movie Warriors

1. Chewbacca: Star War (1-7) 2. T-800: Terminator (1-4) 3. John Rambo: Rambo (1-5) 4. Davy Jones: Pirates Of Caribbean (1-3) 5. Legolas: Lord Of The Rings (2-5) 6. Owen Grady: Jurassic World 7. Ethan Hunt: Mission Impossible (1-8) 8. Maximus: Gladiator 9. Benjamin Martin: The Patriot  10. Lee: Enter The Dragon 

My Top 5 Favorite Television Couples

In This List I Will Number My Favorite Television Couples. These Couples Include Characters From Movies Or Television Series.  5. John B. Routledge and Sarah Cameron (Outer Banks) 4. Johnny Castle and Frances Houseman (Dirty Dancing) 3. Steve  Hale and D.J Fuller (Fuller House) 2. Jim and Pam Halpert (The Office)  1. Fez (Last Name Unknown) and Jackie Burkhart (That 70's Show)